Cataract Surgery: A Life-Changing Solution for Clearer Vision

Oct 27, 2020
Eye Care


Welcome to David J Scholten, OD, PC, your trusted partner in eye care. Our dedicated team of professionals specializes in providing state-of-the-art laser cataract surgery procedures, revolutionizing the way we treat cataracts and improving the quality of life for our patients.

Understanding Cataracts

In the realm of eye health, cataracts are a common condition that can significantly impact your vision. A cataract occurs when the normally clear lens of the eye becomes cloudy, leading to blurred or hazy vision. This condition often develops gradually over time and is most commonly associated with aging.

Types of Cataracts

There are three primary types of cataracts:

  • Nuclear cataracts: These affect the center of the lens, resulting in a gradual decrease in vision clarity.
  • Cortical cataracts: These develop in the lens cortex and cause vision problems that manifest as glare or halos around lights.
  • Posterior subcapsular cataracts: These form at the back of the lens and typically cause difficulty in reading small print and increased sensitivity to glare.

The Impact of Cataracts

Living with cataracts can significantly hinder your daily activities and overall well-being. Common symptoms include:

  • Blurred or cloudy vision
  • Sensitivity to light and glare
  • Difficulty reading
  • Impaired night vision
  • Double vision in one eye

Laser Cataract Surgery: The Modern Solution

At David J Scholten, OD, PC, we are at the forefront of ophthalmic advancements, offering the most advanced laser cataract surgery techniques available. Our skilled surgeons utilize state-of-the-art laser technology to provide patients with precise and customized treatment, ensuring the highest level of safety and efficacy.

The Benefits of Laser Cataract Surgery

Laser cataract surgery offers several advantages over traditional cataract surgery methods. These benefits include:

  • Enhanced precision and accuracy during the surgical procedure
  • Minimally invasive technique with smaller incisions
  • Faster recovery time and reduced post-operative discomfort
  • Improved visual outcomes and reduced risk of complications
  • Opportunity to address other vision-related issues during the surgery, such as astigmatism

The Laser Cataract Surgery Procedure

The laser cataract surgery procedure involves a few key steps:

Step 1: Preoperative Evaluation

Prior to your surgery, our experienced team will conduct a thorough evaluation of your eyes to determine the best course of treatment. We will consider your individual needs, medical history, and lifestyle factors to create a personalized surgical plan.

Step 2: Laser Capsulotomy

During the surgery, our skilled surgeon will use a laser to create a precise and accurate opening in the front portion of the lens capsule. This step allows for the safe removal of the cloudy lens.

Step 3: Lens Fragmentation and Removal

The advanced laser technology will then be used to break up the cloudy lens into smaller fragments, making it easier for removal. These fragments are gently suctioned out using specialized surgical instruments.

Step 4: Replacement Lens Implantation

Once the cataract is completely removed, a new artificial lens, known as an intraocular lens (IOL), will be inserted into the empty lens capsule. The IOL is carefully selected to meet your specific vision needs, potentially reducing the need for glasses or contact lenses after surgery.

Step 5: Postoperative Care and Recovery

Following the surgery, you will receive detailed instructions on postoperative care and medication usage. It is normal to experience mild discomfort or itching, but these symptoms should subside within a few days. Our team will monitor your progress during follow-up appointments to ensure optimal healing and visual outcomes.

Recovering from Laser Cataract Surgery

Recovery from laser cataract surgery is typically quick and relatively comfortable. Most patients experience significant improvements in their vision within a few days, with the full effects becoming apparent within a few weeks. During the recovery period, it's essential to follow the postoperative care instructions provided by our team to promote optimal healing and visual stability.

Why Choose David J Scholten, OD, PC?

When it comes to your eye health, you deserve only the best care available. Here are a few reasons why choosing David J Scholten, OD, PC for your laser cataract surgery is a wise decision:

  • Board-certified surgeons with extensive experience in laser cataract surgery
  • State-of-the-art technology and advanced techniques for superior outcomes
  • Personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific needs and goals
  • Compassionate and patient-centered care throughout your entire journey
  • Positive patient testimonials and a track record of successful surgeries
  • Convenient location and a welcoming, comfortable environment
  • Collaboration with other experts in the field to ensure the best possible results


Cataract surgery can significantly improve your quality of life by restoring clear vision and reducing the impact of cataracts on your daily activities. At David J Scholten, OD, PC, we are committed to transparent communication, comprehensive care, and exceptional outcomes. Take the first step towards regaining your visual independence and schedule a consultation with our experienced team today.