LASIK in Jenison, MI - Lifetime Eyecare

Jul 28, 2019
Eye Care

About David J Scholten, OD, PC

David J Scholten, OD, PC is a leading eye care specialist serving the community of Jenison, MI. With years of experience and a commitment to providing exceptional care, Dr. Scholten and his team are dedicated to improving the vision and eye health of their patients.

Why Choose LASIK?

Considering LASIK? You're not alone. LASIK is a popular refractive surgery procedure that can correct common vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. By reshaping the cornea, LASIK can improve your visual acuity, potentially reducing or eliminating the need for glasses or contact lenses.

The LASIK Procedure

At David J Scholten, OD, PC, we offer state-of-the-art LASIK procedures performed by experienced surgeons. Here's what you can expect during the LASIK procedure:

  1. Pre-Procedure Assessment: Before your LASIK surgery, you'll undergo a comprehensive eye examination to determine your eligibility for the procedure. This assessment allows us to evaluate the health of your eyes and ensure LASIK is a safe and suitable option for you.
  2. Anesthetic Drops: Prior to the surgery, numbing eye drops will be applied to ensure your comfort during the procedure. This helps to minimize any potential discomfort.
  3. Creation of the Flap: To gain access to the underlying cornea, a thin flap is created using either a microkeratome or a femtosecond laser. This step is precise and helps ensure accurate correction of your vision.
  4. Reshaping the Cornea: Using an excimer laser, your surgeon will gently remove microscopic layers of corneal tissue to reshape the curvature of your cornea. This personalized correction matches the unique characteristics of your eyes, optimizing your visual outcome.
  5. Repositioning the Flap: After the cornea is reshaped, the protective flap is carefully repositioned back into place. It adheres naturally, eliminating the need for sutures or stitches.
  6. Post-Procedure Care: Following the LASIK procedure, you'll be given detailed instructions on how to take care of your eyes during the recovery period. Regular follow-up visits will be scheduled to monitor your progress and ensure optimal healing.

Benefits of LASIK

LASIK offers numerous benefits for individuals seeking to improve their vision:

  • Improved Visual Acuity: LASIK can significantly enhance your visual acuity, allowing you to see clearly without the need for glasses or contacts.
  • Convenience: Say goodbye to the hassle of cleaning, storing, and replacing contact lenses or searching for misplaced glasses. LASIK can simplify your daily life.
  • Quick and Effective: The LASIK procedure is typically fast and painless, with most patients experiencing improved vision within a few days.
  • Long-Term Results: LASIK provides lasting results, allowing you to enjoy improved vision for many years to come.
  • Increase in Confidence: Improved vision can boost your self-esteem and confidence, enabling you to fully engage in your day-to-day activities.

Is LASIK Right for Me?

LASIK is a highly effective procedure, but it may not be suitable for everyone. The best way to determine your eligibility for LASIK is to schedule a consultation with our experienced eye care team. During this consultation, we will assess your overall eye health, discuss your visual goals, and determine if LASIK is the right choice for you.

Experience Quality LASIK at David J Scholten, OD, PC

If you're considering LASIK in Jenison, MI, look no further than David J Scholten, OD, PC. With our expertise in advanced eye care and commitment to patient satisfaction, you can trust us to provide exceptional LASIK procedures that can improve your vision and quality of life.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards achieving clearer vision with LASIK.